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Powering global connectivity for over 20 years, through highly reliable satellite-based technology. At Satlink Oasis, we offer our clients high-value consultancy throughout the progression of your business. Bridge the digital divide between you and your remote operations with our end-to-end voice and data connectivity solutions, flexible service delivery, and system installation and management.

At Satlink Oasis, we ensure your employees stay connected with their colleagues and families at all times, we're committed to meeting your business goals, and we're transforming our solutions to meet your needs.

Meeting the communication requirements of the most scattered mining operations, Satlink Oasis provides satellite solutions that offer short lead-times, removing the need for high-investment land-based infrastructures.

If your organization works in remote areas we offer solutions that increases mobility, ensuring that they're connected to receive critical phone calls, emails, or other correspondence .

We provide military-grade communications solutions. At Satlink Oasis, we carry out extensive research to make sure all government communications are secure and delivered with no compromise in quality or consistency.

We understand the challenges present with communication at sea. Working offshore for weeks, or even months, without much meaningful contact with family and friends on-shore is really difficult.

We understand how important it is for your broadcasting and media operations, thus we have an extensive range of satellite phones, broadband terminals, and antennas for voice or video broadcasting.

We work alongside humanitarian teams across the globe by providing secure and faultless telecoms systems that enable them to accomplish the most challenging and dangerous missions.